Sunday, October 26, 2008

الكتاب الاقدس جوهر ولب الآثار البهائية

الكتاب الاقدس هو أمّ الكتب في الظّهور البهائيّ، نزّل باللّغة العربية من قلم حضرة بهاءالله وهو جوهر ولبّ الآثار البهائيّة، ويشتمل على الحدود والأحكام والنّصائح الأخلاقيّة، وأسس تشييد مؤسّسات ستعمل على إيجاد نظام عالميّ مبنيّ على مبادئ روحانيّة وأخلاقيّة. إنّه أحد آثار حضرة بهاءالله الغزيرة التي تؤلّف ما لا يقل عن مائة مجلد لو جمعت، وتمسّ مواضيع شتّى كالأحكام والمبادئ المتعلّقة بسلوك الفرد والحُكم والمجتمع، والكتابات العرفانيّة في رقيّ الأرواح ورحلتها الأبديّة نحو الله بارئها. وتُعتبر الآثار الكتابيّة المتعدّدة لحضرة الباب، وألواح حضرة عبد البهاء وتفاسيره ورسائل حضرة شوقي افندي وتفسيراته مصادر مقدّسة بالنّسبة للبهائيّين. وعلاوة على ذلك فإنّ البهائيّين يعترفون بالكتاب المقدّس والقرآن الكريم والكتب المقدّسة لسائر الأديان السّماويّة الأخرى على أنّها آثار مقدّسة.

لمعرفة المزيد عن الكتاب الاقدس والاستماع لنص آياته المباركة اضغط على: موقع الكتاب الاقدس

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Báb ,The Herald of Bahá'u'lláh

Baha'is around the world observed a holy day - the Birth of the Báb - on 20 October.It is one of nine holy days on which Baha'is suspend work.
The Báb was born on 20 October, 1819 in Shiraz, Iran. His real name was 'Ali-Muhammad. He was a descendent of the prophet Muhammad through both His father and mother. He was raised by His uncle Hájí Mirzá Siyyid 'Ali, a merchant. As a child, He showed uncommon wisdom, although He received little formal schooling. He became a merchant and earned a high reputation for fairness. In 1842 He married Khadíjih-Bagum and they had one son, Ahmad, who died in infancy.

On May 23, 1844 he announced Himself to be The Báb , It is an Arabic word means “the Gate”. He proclaimed Himself to be the Promised One foretold in the great religions, and said that the Mission of His Dispensation was to alert the people to the imminent appearance of the Messenger of God awaited by all the peoples of the world, namely Bahá’u’lláh .
He was indeed a gate to the knowledge of God and to a new era in human existence. He called upon all people to purify their hearts from earthly vanities so that they could recognize Him Whom God would soon manifest.
Thousands upon thousands of people accepted the Message of The Báb and began to follow His Teachings. But the government of Iran and the powerful clergy who ruled over the masses rose against Him. They imprisoned Him and His followers were subjected to swift and savage persecution.

On July 9, 1850 The Báb was brought before a firing squad in the barracks square of Tabríz, along with a young follower. Some 20,000 of His followers perished in a series of massacres throughout Persia. His remains were hidden by His followers and in 1899 transferred to Palestine in the sepulchre on Mount Carmel known as the Shrine of The Báb. Today, the majestic building with the golden dome, overlooking the Bay of Haifa, Israel, and set amidst beautiful gardens, is the Shrine where The Báb's earthly remains are entombed.
Although The Báb was the Herald of Bahá'u'lláh, He was also a Manifestation of God as all other previous Manifestations such as Mohammed and Jesus.
Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding!”
(The Báb)
“Say: God sufficeth all things above all things, and nothing in the heavens or in the earth but God sufficeth. Verily, He is in Himself the Knower, the Sustainer, the Omnipotent.”
(The Báb)

Monday, October 20, 2008

حضرة الباب

يحتفل البهائيون فى انحاء العالم بميلاد حضرة الباب المبشر بظهور حضرة بهاء الله ، وهو من الاعياد البهائية التى يحرم فيها العمل

نبذة تاريخية
وُلد حضرة الباب في مدينة شيراز بايران ، يوم20 أكتوبر 1819م الموافق يوم اول محرم 1235 هجرياً، واسم حضرته الحقيقي هو (على محمد) وهو ينتسب الى سلالة الرسول محمد(ص) من ابنته فاطمة.اشتهر بحسن الخلق والورع والنبوغ والحكمة منذ طفولته

:اعلان دعوته
فى يوم 23مايو 1844ميلادية الموافق 5جمادي الاولى1260هجرية، اعلن حضرته بانه رسولاً من عند الله، وانه جاء ليهيئ الناس ويخبرهم عن ظهور حضرة بهاء الله . لقد كان حضرته البوّابة لمعرفة الله و مرحلة جديدة في تاريخ البشرية.حيثُ يتحقق عصر جديد يسود فيه السلام العام. لذلك حثت تعاليم حضرة الباب على تطهير قلوب البشر من الشئونات الدنيوية لكي يكون فى استطاعتهم معرفة "من يظهره الله" والذي سيأتي قريباً
آمن آلاف البشر من مختلف الطبقات الاجتماعية والعلمية والخلفيات الدينية برسالته، وتعاليمه الالهية، الا ان حكومة ايران ورجال الدين قاوموا رسالته بكل شراسه واضطهدوا المؤمنين بها وعذبوهم وقتلوا الآلاف منهم
لم يؤثر ذلك على ثبات حضرة الباب بل استمر فى تبليغ ما امره به الله تعالى بكل شجاعة واقدام ،وبالرغم من حبسه وسجنه الا انه استمر فى انزال الآيات الالهية التى تربي الارواح وترقي النفوس، وكانت سرعة بيانه وحلاوتها وعظمة تفسيراته وعمقها ومناجاته البليغة تدهش المستمعين،وتعتبر من البراهين الساطعة على الهامه الالهي
مقتطفات من آياته الالهية

"هل من مفرج غير الله قل سبحان الله هو الله كل عباد له و كل بأمره قائمون"

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"قل الله يكفي عن كلّ شئ و لا يكفي عن الله ربك عن شيء لا في السموات ولا في الأرض ولا بينهما إنه كان علاّماً مقتدراً قديراً."

فاعبد الله، بحيث لو كان الجزاء على عبادتك النّار، لا تفتر عن عبادتك له. فإنّك لو عبدت الله خوفًا، فلن تليق لعتبة قدسه الإلهيّة، وكذلك لو نظرت إلى الجنّة، وعبدت الله رجاءً لها، فقد جعلت خلق الله شريكًا له

بعد مرور ست سنوات من التبليغ بدون توقف ، امرت حكومة ايران باعدام حضرة الباب، راجية ان تطفئ نور هذه الرسالة الالهية عن طريق قتل مؤسسها، وبالفعل استشهد حضرته يوم 9 يوليو1850 ميلادية فى واقعة ذات معجزة، ثم اخذ جثمان حضرته ونقل بواسطة المؤمنين من مكان الى آخر الى ان دفن فى جبل الكرمل. ولكن لم ينطفئ نور رسالته ابداً وتحقق هدفها بظهور حضرة بهاء الله رسول الديانة البهائية

إنّي حرف من ذلك الكتاب الأعظم، ورذاذ من ذلك البحر الذّي لا ساحل له. وعند ظهوره، تتجلّى حقيقتي وأسراري ورموزي وإشاراتي، ويعرّج جنين هذا الأمر في مراتب الوجود ويفوز بمقام أحسن تقويم، ويلبس خلعة فتبارك الله أحسن الخالقين
حضرة الباب

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Abolishing the Extremes of Poverty and Wealth

"One of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings is the adjustment of means of livelihood in human society. Under this adjustment there can be no extremes in human conditions as regards wealth and sustenance. For the community needs financier, farmer, merchant and laborer just as an army must be composed of commander, officers and privates. All cannot be commanders; all cannot be officers or privates. Each in his station in the social fabric must be competent—each in his function according to ability but with justness of opportunity for all."
Abdu'l-Baha "The Promulgation of Universal Peace"

"Bahá’u’lláh has revealed principles and laws which will accomplish the adjustment of varying human capacities. He has said that whatsoever is possible of accomplishment in human government will be effected through these principles. When the laws He has instituted are carried out, there will be no millionaires possible in the community and likewise no extremely poor. This will be effected and regulated by adjusting the different degrees of human capacity. The fundamental basis of the community is agriculture, tillage of the soil. All must be producers. Each person in the community whose need is equal to his individual producing capacity shall be exempt from taxation. But if his income is greater than his needs, he must pay a tax until an adjustment is effected. That is to say, a man’s capacity for production and his needs will be equalized and reconciled through taxation. If his production exceeds, he will pay a tax; if his necessities exceed his production, he shall receive an amount sufficient to equalize or adjust. Therefore, taxation will be proportionate to capacity and production, and there will be no poor in the community."
Abdu'l-Baha "The Promulgation of Universal Peace"

The majority of the world's population lives in dire poverty and misery. This imbalance exists both within nations and between nations. Moreover, the gap that separates rich and poor continues to widen, which indicates that existing economic systems are incapable of restoring a just balance.

All degrees of income should be established within absolute limits. There must be, on the one hand, a minimum income level that meets the basic needs for human well-being and of which all are assured. If, for whatever reason (incapacity or other misfortune), individuals are unable to meet their essential needs, they would be assisted by community institutions. On the other hand, there should be an absolute maximum income level that would prevent extreme accumulations of wealth.

The Bahá'í teachings envision that economic justice and prosperity will come about only when the essential connection between the spiritual and practical aspects of life is recognized.

Monday, October 13, 2008

An International Art Competition for children to design a UN stamp on the theme ”We can end poverty” - "مسابقة عالمية "بامكاننا معنا القضاء على الفقر

"Always engaging, often skillful beyond expectation and sometimes revealing of a national style or tradition, the artwork embodies the hopes and dreams of the world’s children for the eradication of poverty."
Teresa Fasolino, Illustrator, judge for the Competition

The International Children’s Art Competition was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with the Department of Public Information and the United Nations Postal Administration to commemorate the INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY and the first UNITED NATIONS DECADE FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY. The children were to design a United Nations stamp on the theme “WE CAN END POVERTY.”

Over 12,000 children from all over the world participated in the Competition. Through their artwork, the children demonstrated enormous creativity, skills, thoughtfulness and concern for the poor. They show us that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon and a variety of actions can lead to its eradication.

Trying to depict the theme of the Competition “We can end poverty” the majority of children tell us that the richer countries and individuals should help those in need. They depict solidarity, cooperation and fairness as key values indispensable for ending poverty. Many children point to the existence of inequality and divisions in the world and suggest greater sharing and unity. Many give emphasis to the importance of love and compassion. Numerous entries depict the significance of education for poverty eradication. Children from developing countries often show the importance of small-scale farming for self-sufficiency. Many children think that employment, urbanization and the promotion of technology can help end poverty. A number of children, in particular children from countries in conflict, stress that the world needs peace and security to end poverty.

In children’s words:

"People are poor not because they are lazy, but because of war, famine, natural disasters…What they hope for is actually very simple: good harvest, peace, education, technology and health. That’s all they ask so why don’t we help them?" Au Yeung Ching, age 15, China

Nobody should be imprisoned by poverty and violence. Education and reaching out to each other is the ladder to step out of poverty and into peace and a bright future.” Sonja Mohr, age 15, Namibia

“Find work – give work – work together to end poverty” Mariyam Azka Hassan, age 6, USA

We can end poverty by developing our talents.” Dimas Ananda, age 9, Indonesia

“We can end poverty if our grown-ups stop spending money for arms and bombs…” Bahtiyar Aliyev, age 9, Azerbaijan

Educating women is the best way to prevent poverty” Iaasha Siraj, age 8, Maldives

For more details and to see the 6 Winning Stamp Designs and others, log to:

"بامكاننا معنا القضاء على الفقر"
"مسابقة عالمية للاطفال لتصميم طابع تذكاري بمناسبة "يوم القضاء على الفقر

اقامت منظمة الامم المتحدة مسابقة بين الاطفال من سن 5-15 سنة لتصميم طابع تذكارى بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للقضاء على الفقر
يجب ان يعبر تصميم الطابع عن هذا المعنى: نستطيع معا القضاء على الفقر
هذا وقد شارك اكثر من 12.000 طفل من مختلف انحاء العالم، ومن خلال رسومات هؤلاء الاطفال يخبرونا عن اسباب تفشي الفقر وطرق مبتكرة لحلوله
استطاع الاطفال ان يبرزوا مسئولية الدول الغنية والافراد الاغنياء عن الحد من الفقر عن طريق تقديم المساعدات الفعالة، ايضا الحد من التسلح وارساء العدالة بين افراد البشر، والتعاون والمشاركة والمحبة، والخدمة هى من انجعل الطرق لانهاء الفقر من العالم.
كما اشار بعض الاطفال الى اهمية التعليم كوسيلة فعالة ،كما يعتقد آخرين بقدرة الوسائل العلمية والتكنولوجية على الحد من الفقر عن طريق استخدامها فى زيادة الغذاء وتحسين الصحة وغيرها.
أما الاطفال الذين يعيشون فى مناطق النزاعات فقد صرحوا بالوانهم وتصميماتهم عن حقيقة ان تحقيق السلام العالمي وتوفيرالامان هو الوسيلة الاكثر اهمية لمحو الفقر نهائيا من على وجة الارض